Max is ten months old and developing quite a little personality. He is very happy and getting more vocal everyday. He hasn’t said anything that would “technically” be considered his first words. He did say “Da Da” when pointing at me. At first I was excited, but then I noticed quickly that he also says it when pointing to the lamp, window and the dog.
We recently began this fun game called “Test Dad’s Knowledge on Household Items.” It starts with Max pointing at something and uttering “uttsat”. I interpret this to mean “What’s that?” I quickly answer “ceiling fan” (or whatever I think he is pointing at.) Max then responds “huh?” I repeat myself slowly and clearly “ceiling fan”.
Satisfied with my answer (the second time) he points to another object and we begin the process again. The game can last anywhere from a few minutes to an hour. It usually ends when we come across something that’s flashes, beeps or sings a (nauseatingly) cheerful song about shapes or animals.
Besides quizzing his father, Max has also begun responding to questions of his own. He has a book about dogs that he likes to read. Big dogs, small dogs, clean dogs sloppy…blah, blah, blah big ears floppy. (Can you tell I have read it a time or two?) There is a part in the book where a puppy says “Arf, Arf!” and Max loves it when you bark out loud.
Anyway, now when you ask Max what the puppy says, he will respond. He can’t quite bark yet but he will say “Ugh, Ugh” or “Bup, Bup”. It's pretty cute.
With him becoming so aware, I really need to start watching what I say or his first real words could be very interesting.
With him becoming so aware, I really need to start watching what I say or his first real words could be very interesting.
Hey Dan,
I'm sure Max thinks you are on the same page as his vocabulary. As my mother use to say when people from other parts of the country would make fun of our southern accent, my mom would say, it's not us that talks funny, it's you!
Can't wait to have a conversation with my obviously very intelligent nephew. Love Aunt Donna
He'll be talking up a storm before you know it! Let's hope he doesn't learn the word "No" real well. ;)
just remember: Aaron's official "call" on the swear words.... 'crap' is not a swear; 'sh*t' is the swear. This, as told to Mrs. Wilson (Beachland Elementary School Principal) after a recent "incident". Max will be as articulate as he is adorable!
Auntie Carole
Be careful! He will end up being like the baby in "Meet the Fockers" and say a**hole! Although, that was quiet hilarious!!!
PS Don't bring him near Morris! There is no telling what Mo might teach him for fun!!
Max's ability to quickly "hear and recycle" words is obviously the reason Kennard Yamada isn't invited over to see the baby anymore. Sigh. I've done it to myself.
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