Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Life as a new Mom ...

I know, I know, I never write! I’m sorry but if you had a husband who wrote like Dan, you’d hesitate to write to. Isn’t he wonderful? Many of you have commented about how great his entries are and I completely agree. I love reading them and am so thankful for his ability to appropriately share much of what we are going through. I seem to become little more than a sobbing mess when I even try to put my feelings into words these days.

However, sometimes a mother’s perspective is required.

First of all, Max was born on November 28 at 6:07 by cesarean section. He weighed in a 8 pounds 5 ounces and was 21.3 inches long. His head evidently was a little larger than most at 14 centimeters, as the nurses taking all the vitals double checked their measurements a couple of times before committing them to fact.

Max and I both are doing great. I feel wonderful (all things considered) and have really had minimal discomfort. The IV was the worst of the entire delivery process and while I’m moving a little slower than usual, I’m pretty much up and about as usual. The nighttime routine hasn’t bothered me too much. I’m not a great sleeper to begin with so getting up for an hour or two a couple of times a night, hasn’t left me feeling all that tired. It’s kind of normal for me to do that anyway. The nursing thing is going surprisingly well, too. I just can’t do it without getting naked. So, until I figure that one out, I guess I’ll be confined to Max’s room. Dan has said that it just won’t do for me to take my shirt off in the Outback or any other restaurant that we would frequent. Oh, well, I guess Dan will just keep getting some good practice sessions in the kitchen to pass along to Max someday.

Max has a very agreeable disposition so far. The only time he cries is when we’re changing his diaper. He HATES that. Otherwise, he sleeps peacefully, and patiently waits on me to feed him, then lies awake and alert for a short time usually filled with some meaningful conversation with his Daddy who is promising to teach him to play all kinds of sports, to learn all sorts of useless trivia (that came up during Jeopardy) and to cook because chicks dig it. (And when Dan says “chicks” he really means moms since we all know that my son is not going to be worried about impressing any silly girls for a long, long time!)

Now, let the faucets run as I write how truly overwhelmed with joy and happiness I am. I knew that having a child would be unlike anything else I had ever experienced. And I know the adage that you’re never given anything more than you can handle, but honestly, I always thought about that phrase in terms of dealing with negative things. I never dreamed I’d have to worry about being dealt more of a good thing than I can handle. I feel like I’m close to the edge, though. As if the birth of a completely healthy baby boy wasn’t enough, the sweetness and love of my husband for both him and me has completely taken me aback. Dan is just amazing and I cannot begin to express how this experience has strengthened what I already believed was a pretty strong relationship. Then, there’s all the love and support of our families as we have entered this new phase of our lives. They’ve all been so kind and helpful and we all know that sometimes family dynamics can be a little challenging in the face of stressful situations but everyone has made such an effort to be non-intrusive while we have tried to include them as much as possible in this joyous occasion. And of course, we have been shown incredible generosity by our friends in their desire to be encouraging and supportive. We honestly could not have made it through this experience nearly so well adjusted without all of you. Thank you all from the bottom of our hearts.

Enough of my babbling for now. Trust that I will be making sure that Dan keeps up the good work on the blog and I’ll post occasionally, too. Maybe after some of the hormones return to more normal levels, I’ll even be able to do so without going through an entire box of Kleenex!


Anonymous said...

Well, here goes my own waterworks! I cannot bear to see my young sister cry even though I know this is completely normal. I guess becoming a mother is the greatest joy a woman will experience as well as the greatest anguish when they are older and testing their independence. Add to that she cried at any little thing before becoming a mother. I especially remember the tears watching Little House On The Prairie or even a sweet commercial.

My visit home was everything I thought it would be. It did help me plan a flight from LA since I knew exactly when he was going to arrive. I have been overwhelmed with love for my new nephew as well as intensifying the bond with my baby sister. She's also very lucky to have such a loving and supportive husband. He seems so comfortable being a new dad.

I hate to fly back home tomorrow, but will return for Christmas. Nothing would make me miss my little pumpkins first Christmas.

Much love,
Aunt Donna

Tonya said...

Hello, Long time no see. I remember you from 10 years ago. My name is Tonya Stafford and I work at Gladden Middle School. My mother Annice told me to check out your story. I did the yearbook at Gladden and was very pregnant at the time that I met you. My daughter is 10 now, and she was big too, weighing in at 9 pounds, 1 ounce. My second daughter is 5. I'd send a picture, but I do not know how. I have had so much joy from having kids. I am glad that you are going to have some of the same experiences. I have got to send them in the direction of SLEEP, so I'll check back in with you. See ya, Tonya

Anonymous said...

Dear Shannon,

Your response to motherhood doesn't surprise us at all. We all knew your nurturing skills would shine when given the chance to be put to work on your own child. No one as loving and generous---and intelligent!---as you could be anything less than fantastic at being a Mom. In just one, short week you have proven us to be right.

It's been such a pleasure to take part in Max's welcome and observe as his family takes shape.

Thank you for sharing these thoughts with all of us. As clear as the experience seems now, putting it into words will preserve the wonder. Rereading this will help you relive the joy that is filling your heart and activating a chain reaction which results in turning on those waterworks. That happy energy has to escape somehow. Better tears than...well, let's just say, better that it's harmless teardrops.

In addition to celebrating your own happiness, you have to know that you've made Dan the happiest, proudest man on earth!

You are very special to us too.

Much love,
Ginny and Art