Sunday, May 13, 2007

It's True! Shannon and I are having a baby. (Well, Shannon is having a baby.)
It figures, I do all the hard work and she gets all the attention. I am still getting used to the idea but that doesn't matter. The word is out.
We wanted to wait to make an announcement until we had been to the doctor a couple of times. I wanted confirmation that she was really pregnant. Can you blame me? We have spent so many years doing everything we could to prevent such a thing from happening.

Anyway. This blog will be a way for us to reach the one or two people on the planet that have not recieved a phone call from either of our Mom's.

We'll have to wait and see how our spoiled little shih-tzu's take to the idea of not being the center of attention.


Anonymous said...

Well, knock me over with a feather! In fact, both of us can be felled with one small puff...but we'll be up and ready to grandparent your new baby in December. We couldn't be happier! Hardly slept a wink last night we were so keyed up with excitement!

First Dad read the article. Then he called me to look at it and see what I thought it meant. Then we read it again together.

"It's past April Fool's Day," I said. "Oh my gosh! I think it's for real! We have to call Dan and Shannon and find out."

This is the best surprise you could ever send me for Mother's Day 2007. How you kept it a secret for so long is unbelievable! Your design for the announcement is both clever and appropriate---so typical of you both.

One unimaginably blessed new baby is on its way to Windermere and the Minninger/Coffman families.

Our love to the parents-to-be,

Mom and Dad

DonnaHundley said...

I think you better keep the "I did all the hard work" completely under the table when delivery time comes. As Bill Cosby said in his comedy routine on his wife in delivery,"She stood up in those stirrups, grabbed my ears, and screamed, YOU DID THIS TO ME"

Sherry said...

You must have been too irresistable in that bunny outfit. :-)

Congratulations, you two. This is fantastic news!

Sherry Reed